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    HIV Prevention in Fort Lauderdale, FL

    Protect yourself or a loved one from HIV infection with HIV prevention pills. These pills, which are also known as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), are an oral once-a-day medicine that mitigates the risk of contracting HIV. PrEP lowers your risk of getting HIV via sexual contact by 99% and via injection drug use by 74%.

    Learn more about HIV prevention in Fort Lauderdale, FL, and how CAN Community Health can help.

    Who Should Take PrEP?

    PrEP can benefit a variety of people in different circumstances. PrEP may be a good option for people who:

    If any of these categories fit you, consider taking PrEP to decrease the risk of contracting HIV.

    How Much Does PrEP Cost?

    Due to the Affordable Care Act, PrEP is free with almost all health insurance plans. If you don’t have any insurance coverage, don’t worry — CAN Community Health can help. We provide free PrEP for our clients, regardless if you have insurance or a means to pay for it.

    Come to CAN Community Health for free PrEP medicine. Our compassionate staff will address your needs and ensure you get the care you deserve. Contact us today to get started.

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