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    HIV research is important not only for the medical advancement of HIV treatment, but also for prevention. HIV disease is not without the possibility of multiple complications even with appropriate treatment. Therefore, further research is necessary to look at consequences of long-term therapy, and further adjunctive therapy to HIV treatment. There has been significant advancements over 25 years. From one drug therapy, we have now gone to a multiplicity of combinations available to us. This means that patients will live longer and be healthier. We are now moving into an era of prevention, not only of HIV disease itself but the long-term complications associated with long-term HIV treatment, as well as the aging process. This disease is definitely not going away, and it will require continued efforts in all age groups to look at all aspects of this disease.

    Please use this form to reach out directly to our Research Team. We will respond as soon as we can. Thank you for your interest.

      Dr. Prerak Shukla   
      Director of Clinical Research

      Dr. Tanya S. Schreibman
      Medical Director – Sarasota


      GS-US-528-9023: A phase 3, double blind, multicenter, randomized study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of subcutaneous twice yearly long acting Lenacapavir for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in cisgender men, transgender women, transgender men, and gender non-binary people > 16 years of age who have sex with male partners and are at risk for HIV infection.
      Sites: Sarasota, Miami Gardens

      217711 EBONI: A phase 4, randomized, open-label, three-arm study to evaluate implementation strategies for the delivery of CAB for HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) across clinical settings for HIV uninfected adult (≥18 years) Black cis and transgender women living in the United States Ending the Epidemic (ETE) territories
      Site: Miami Gardens, Norfolk

      217710 PILLAR: A Phase 4, randomized, open-label, two-arm study evaluating
      implementation strategies for the delivery of Cabotegravir in low and high-volume pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) sites in the U.S. for HIV uninfected MSM and transgender men ≥ 18
      Site: Sarasota

      MK8591A-020: A Phase 3 Randomized, Active-Controlled, Double-Blind Clinical Study to Evaluate the Antiretroviral Activity, Safety, and Tolerability of Doravirine/Islatravir Once-Daily in HIV-1 Infected Treatment-Naïve Participants
      Site: Sarasota

      BEYOND 217038: Observational Cohort Study of Cabenuva Utilization,Outcomes, and Patient Experience in the United States. Real-world evidence is essential to understanding early Cabenuva utilization and initial outcomes, confirming patient satisfaction and preference for Cabenuva outside clinical trials, and evaluating the implementation of Cabenuva in United States.
      Site: Broward Clinics

      PrEPared-RN: PrEPared-RN, CAN Nurse-Led Management of high-risk patients for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
      Sites: South Florida Clinics

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